They (we) also share the sense of responsibility for the future of the world. The whole world. This is the traditional White Man's Burden which the other cultures have been unable to take up (what is clearly manifested by their non-existent or negligible nuclear outfit).
So, no wonder that there are no Maori sages or Japanese monks among us: by non-verbalized, mutual agreement we shall take care of their future. This spares us the troubles of translations from strange languages and even stranger mentalities. The absence of Druids or Incas is also justified as we have determined once and for all any chances of their alternative thinking 2000 years ago and 400 years ago, respectively.
Besides, outside of our culture there are not so many specialists in social sciences (i.e. the art of proving that our social concepts are superior to the ones of other cultures).
Remark: White describes rather a mental state than the colour of skin. E.g. OPEC cartel decisions are white all along while Jewish general lack of resistance during the Holocaust was not.
The economical overtones of the discussion on Political, Economical and Social Alternatives will make it sound quite a bit like a meeting of a Marxist study group. It is conceivable even that a society's health will be expressed via GNP in dollars or DM's per capita, which would not contradict by any means the old joke that the extremes meet.
Will you say: these are easy prophecies? I will agree. However, sometimes one has to repeat obvious things. For example good day or thank you. I hope it does no harm.
UnB, Matemática
Brasília, Sept. 11th, '79
On leaving its military dictatorship period,
Brazil needed an international projection and recognition. TV show of
Queen Elisabeth II parading jointly with Gen.Ernesto Geisel, Brazil's
President, was a good start. His apointee for the next president,
Gen.João Batista Figueiredo, gave some smart steps to neutralize the
university community that might considered supporting the Left and
complicate a smooth passage to business as usual in civilian clothes.
Putting it in a plain way, ha made a wholesale purchase; several thousands
of university professors got substantial salary hikes and laws that gave
them tenure and automatic rise in hierarchy. So, the stage was set for
an international show of freedom of speech and thought.
Social scientists may be quite an influential group in Western democracies,
so a 5 day conference was organized for them, all expenses paid by
organizers. The bet was that the easy-going way of Brazilian man in a street
together with lack of strong response to freely disseminated leftist views
would make an impact on famous guests, and consequently help in dealing
with economical agencies of rich countries when social and
industrial projects were concerned.
I do not believe that one would be able to estimate how much money came
to Brazil due to a change of the way it was seen abroad but certainly
Brazilian government made a wise investment organizing this
International Encounter Political, Economical and
Social Alternatives Till the End of the Century.
The list of participants was impressive. But what I saw and heard on the
first day left me a bit uneasy: the guys seemed to be too happy with
themselves. I had attended only one great class meeting of social scientists
before and I was not able to tell whether the atmosphere was just showing
how things were done in their fields or it was due to 800 meter elevation
of Brasília but I felt that a bit of wet blanket would not go wrong at that
moment. So I tried to say some words suggesting that perhaps the sentiment
of self-satisisfaction was a bit undue. I could not count on an official
distribution of my leaflet; first of all I was not a social scientist;
besides, my long hair guaranteed that I would
not be treated very seriously. So I recurred to Samizdat.
In case you forgot or didn't know, Samizdat (which might be rendered as
MySelfPublicationHouse in English) was reasonably well known name
and concept at that time. So I photocopied the page and distributed it at the
entrance. Therefore you may take it for an article that was published, if
you wish to see it this way.