“Tickets, please!” said the Guard [...]
“I'm afraid I haven't got one,” Alice said in a frightened tone: “there wasn't a ticket-office where I came from.” And again the chorus of voices went on. “There wasn't room for one where she came from. The land there is worth a thousand pounds an inch!”

Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Diary of the Undertaking, Day 142. I've analyzed the alleged copyrights of Pepsi to the theorem of Pythagoras. It was a misunderstanding. Someone who passed me the information must have thought on Pitt & Gore patent of the compactation of nested conics. But the work wasn't in vain – I became aware of the perils residing in the use of acute angles. In fact, Philco owns all the angles between 66 and 67 degrees.
Tomorrow I'm starting my query on the status of Riemann's hypothesis.

To be frank, this annotation does not stand in the diary. The diary doesn't exist, either, and during these 500 (+ x) days of my work I've solved copyrights problem in the easiest way, leaving it aside. But

(1) Solving an old and interesting problem you create new and interesting ones.

Here's the problem opened by my solution. I'd like to submit this collection of (primarily) mathematical pages to the editorial committee of Mathematical Association of America and tell them: “sell it for a symbolic price of $1.99, please. I suggest an initial edition of 10 thousand copies. Yours, Andrzej”. But it's clear that their legal team would analyze the situation, raising the price by $1.73 per copy. Per week of their work. At the end of 2004 the collection would reach bookshops with half of the material removed and carrying the tag of $299.

Any of alternative solutions pushes me underground, makes me a transgressor with no right to put the edited work on the list of my publications. In order to show that I'm doing what I'm doing being convinced that I know what I'm doing I'm writing here something that substitutes the non-existent Diary of the Undertaking. This should answer a doubt that a reader might have: "why someone prepared this collection?" The basic answers are:

Both of them are correct. But just as in unix or mathematics, life also may permit many different answers to the same question. It depends on the (dis)interested parties if they (do not) want to hear the longer ones.

If you're not really interested in motivations but want to see the advantages of the contravention and of the underworld of mathematics, start using the collection entering the directories that generally speaking reproduce the Internet sites – or make a more specific exam following the description of the topics. In other word: you may enter

either by index of the authors or by index of the topics
accepting (or not) my help in technicalities
and have a nice journey.

If you decide to go on reading it, take it for granted that I do appreciate your company.

It seems that my monologue divides into parts on

  1. The Law and Lawyers
  2. The Acknowledgements and Thanks
  3. Pre-mathematical CV: on the Art of Surviving in XXth Century
  4. Wroclaw