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Polish American Jewish And Chauvinistic
Bilingual Biweekly Bipartisan (8)
The only cultural exchange on this godforsaken list!!!!
Brought to you FREE exclusively by
+ Editorial Staff: +
+ Water - 89.5% +
+ Alcohol - 9.5% +
+ Trace minerals - 1% +
+ ------------------------------------------------------- +
+ Among others: +
+ Red. Bezczelny +
+ (Editor-in-Grief) Dh. Adach Smiarowski +
+ Red. Zastepczy +
+ (PC Editor) (urlop zdrowotny) +
+ Red. Nieodpowiedzialny +
+ (Exp-Editor) (Nazwisko znane redakcji) +
+ Red. Polny +
+ (Field Effect Transistor) vacans +
+ War Correspondent +
+ (Kuwait) Kazek Duperas +
"Bawic sie slowami lubia starzy poeci i male dzieci."
Tadziu K.
******** special section *********
ad usum usenetti
Polish jokes sort of became public domain. For diversion, we
shall go with our favorite mixed PAJ (see the title) stories.
PAJ Story #1
Moniek came over from Poland to USA and is looking for a job.
He walks into some shop and applies for a position. The
proprietor looks him over and asks:
- Who are you?
- American, of course - answers Moniek.
- Where were you born?
- In Warsaw.
- So what American are you? - wonders the shop owner.
- If I was born in a stable, would I be a horse?
******** end of special section ********
The Laws of the Trail
The laws were established in the 70s of this century by two
peregrinating vagabonds Kazek Duperas and Adach Smiarowski.
One of the earliest discoveries was The Law of Offensiveness
formulated in Gdynia Redlowo while serving 48 hours for
minor misdeamanor. This Law is given in english translation
and in polish, for it has somewhat different tint in
original wording.
Ability to take offenses is indirectly proportional to
mental capacity.
Some other principles from this great collection may be published
in the near future.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Edward Gierek, "Przerwana dekada"
Gierek potrafi?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fragment abecadla
Norbert Ninie na necie nauragal nieco,
Ze rozsadku u niewiast szukac by ze swieca.
"Swieca - owszem, lecz po co rozsadek kobiecie?"
Nocami neka Nina Norberta na necie.
10 lat temu mielismy wlasnie formalny poczatek dzisiejszego
balaganu. Piesn ludowa byla optymistyczna.
Oto piosenka spiewana przez bardow po calej Rzeczypospolitej.
Zapis pochodzi z 1980 roku z recitalu Bolka Grotowskiego (?)
w Gdyni.
W czasach, kiedy stanialy lzy,
Bo nas byle kto na sile rozczulal,
Pelnym brzaskiem zalsnilo spod rdzy
Wyswiechtane slowo "postulat".
I juz nie brzmi dla nas jak szyfr
Stary wiersz o wspolczesnej tresci:
"Sa w Ojczyznie rachunki krzywd,
Lecz nie obca dlon je przekresli ..."
Wiec zostana w nas te noce nieprzespane
I te bramy fabryczne wsrod kwiatow,
Gdy przestala nagle byc sloganem
Dyktatura proletariatu.
Kiedy sluchal w napieciu kto zyw,
Niespokojnych, niepewnych wiesci,
Ze sa w Ojczyznie rachunki krzywd,
Lecz nie obca dlon je przekresli ...
Beda o tym legendy pisane, *)
Beda sluchac przyszle pokolenia,
Ze raz kiedys narodowe flagi
Wywieszono bez rozporzadzenia.
Ze sie zdarzyl madry, piekny zryw,
Ze Polacy rzekli, gdy sie zeszli:
Sa w Ojczyznie rachunki krzywd,
Lecz nie obca dlon je przekresli.
Wierze w kazdy nowy dzien, i rok, i miesiac,
Sprawiedliwszy, obfitszy, laskawszy.
Wierze bowiem w Sierpien 80,
Co zostanie strzezony na zawsze.
Jak solidny dokerski nit **)
I ten wiersz co powiada, ze jesli
Sa w Ojczynie rachunki krzywd,
To nie obca dlon je przekresli ...
*) Juz sa.
**) Mamy podejrzenie, ze autorem jest p. Andrzej Waligorski
(Wroclaw). To ze stylu. A na pewno ktos oddalony od morza.
To z gafy "dokerski nit".
Zanotowano aktywnosc!!
Dla sympatycznego p. Lucusia z turnusu skandynawskiego od
niewatpliwie (oczywiscie) sympatycznego p. Waldusia z Kola
Podbiegunowego bylo pucio-pucio.
Towarzysz jest zaliczany do inwektyw.
Zydlak, glab, cwok, idiota, gnojek -- wracaja do bon-ton'u.
MOSCOW (TASS). The Communist Party chief governing body - the Politburo -
gathered yesterday to discuss the results of operation
"Vot Siurpriza". The outcome of the operation appears to go
far beyond the boldest speculations. After reinstating
communist governments all around the Eastern Bloc,
chief ideolgists from allied communist parties
express their strong belief in the future growth and
expansion of communism as the only realistic social
alternative for mankind. According to A. Bontsch-
Bruyevitch, the Politburo spokesman, the operation
had a twofold character. "First of all, by relaxing
visibility of control, we prompted a lot of
counterrevolutionary acitivities, which we've
been observing and studying for many months to
completely purge it last week. Secondly, we convinced
our societies, and entire world for that matter, that
lack of our leadership results in sinking into total
chaos and social disorder. To show this, we didn't need
a bit of propaganda -- so called democratic forms
proved their uselessness ..."
(From Editor: This article has not been published as of today. We
obtained it from a trustworthy source.)
*********** ENVIRONMENTALISTS' SECTION ******************
Are you done with it?
Then recycle!!
Don't have time, folks. I am dismantling several distilleries left
here by my compatriots. Copper is getting expensive. Americans
are buying mash and everything. Will have fun during Christmas.
Kazek (basement in Kuwait)
ma zaszczyc/przedstawic/niepotrzebne skreslic
przedstawienie sportowe
Pierwszy: Iiiy raaaaaz!
Drugi: Iiiy dwaaaaa!
Trzeci: Iiiy trzyyyy!
Czwarty: Iiiy czteery!
Pierwszy: Iiiy raaaaaz!
Drugi: Iiiy dwaaaaa!
(Trzask! Huk! Raban! Plusk! Wrzaski!)
Pierwszy: ... mowilem, psiakrew!, ze zle liczymy!
KURTYNA (tez sie zanurza)
Krusza sie ostatnie opoki...
Wracamy do prawdy! Po raz pierwszy od wielu, wielu lat, uczniowie
szkol podstawowych dowiedza sie o prapoczatkach Slowianszczyzny
bez ideologicznych poprawek! KEN wycofala z lektur szkolnych
pozozstalosci wiekow rusyfikacji. Prawda, swym zwyczajem, wyszla
na wierzch. Nasza mlodziez od dzis uczyc sie bedzie o
Lechu, Czechu i Adachu.
It has been brought to our attention that this section is more
chauvinistic than others and remains closed for non-Poles.
Indeed, this is the case!
For here we present unexpurgated pieces of so evident
polish folklore. Most of the material comes of course from
traditional polish wedding ceremonies.
And now we come to the point.
Although we participated in many a wedding in the USA we
were unable to gather any equivalents of polish "przyspiewki",
or any traditions, in that matter.
So, in order to give our international audience some taste
of this favorite column (notwithstanding exposing polish
audience to the original american lore), we shall present
the famous speech of Sen. C.F. Johnson.
There are plenty people in the South, who eagerly tell
you this story. In fact, we ran across an old disc
(78 rpm) which had this piece recorded.
Aha, a word of warning is due. Them city folks may find
the followin' fragments indignant (offensiveness is
in vogue).
Note that a flag issue, another fashionable subject, is
also touched by Sen. Johnson.
"... widze i opisuje,
bo tesknie po tobie ..."
One time there was a goddam Yankee moved to Arkansas,
and got elected to the Legislature. And he put in a bill to
make Arkansas rhyme with Kansas, just because it is
spelled that way.
The Arkansawyers got pretty mad and begun to stomp and
holler. One old man hollered louder than anybody else
and finally rest of'em quitened down to hear what he had
to say.
"Mr. Speaker, God damn your soul," says he, "I'm Senator
Cassius F. Johnson from Johnson County, where we raise
men with peckers on, and the women are glad of it.
Why, gentlemen, at the tender age of sixteen them girls
can throw their left tit over their right shoulder, and
squirt milk up their ass-hole as the occasion demands!
When I was fourteen years old my prick was big as a
roasting-ear, the pride and joy of the whole goddam
settlement. Gentlemen, I could piss half-way across
the Ouachita!"
Everybody clapped when they heard that, but the Speaker
begun to holler "Out of order!" and pound on his desk.
"You're goddam right it was out of order," says Senator
Johnson, "otherwise I could have pissed clear across
the son-of-a-bitch! That's the kind of folks we raise
in Johnson County, gentlemen. And now comes this
pusillanimous blue-bellied Yankee who wants to change the
name of Arkansas, and he compares the great state of
Arkansas to K a n s a s!
You might as well liken the noonday sun in all its glory to
the feeble glow of a lightning-bug's ass, or the fragrance
of an American Beauty rose to the foul quintessence of a
Mexican burro's fart!
Can all the power of this Assembly enlargen the puny penis
of a Peruvian prince to a ponderous Pagan prick, or the tiny
testicles of a Turkish tyrant to the bulky bollyz of a Roman
Change the name of Arkansas? Great God Almighty damn!
No, gentlemen! Hell fire, no!!
What the God damn hell is things a-coming to, anyhow?
Why, gentlemen, it's got so a man can't take down his
pants for a good country shit without getting his ass full
of birdshot. Change the name of Arkansas? Great God Almighty
damn! You may piss on Jefferson's grave, gentlemen. You may
shit down the White House steps, and use the Declaration
of Independence for a corncob. You may rape the Goddess of
Liberty at high noon, and wipe your tallywhacker on the
Star Spangled Banner. You may do all this, gentlemen, and
more. But you can't change the name of Arkansas! Not while
one patriot lives to prevent such desecration!
Change the name of Arkansas? Hell fire, no!"
The Yankee's bill was killed, dead as a whore's turd in
a piss-pot. Them son-of-a-bitches up North think the
whole story was just a joke and Senator Johnson didn't
make no speech at all. But the truth is that Senator
Cassius F. Johnson jumped into the breech that day to
save the Bear Stae from treason and disgrace.
WASZYNGTONSKIE NOCE (cykl melodyczny)
Przechadzka Op. 1
Andante cantabile
... duzo brunetek ...
* This product is delivered as is. *
* Contents may get distorted during *
* reading and pondering. *
* Artykuly zamawiane i niezamawiane *
* redakcja wypija i zwraca bezpowrotnie *
* Numer zamknieto z redakcja *
* 9/2/90 *